Meal planner – Week 2


Weekly Meal Planner- Week2

Happy Friday! Its a beautiful day here is San Diego! Sunny and warm… My husband and I are taking advantage of it and going for a hike tomorrow, I can’t wait! Hopefully you all have exciting plans this weekend. I am sharing another weekly plan that is looking awfully tasty! I have two new one-pot dishes that are easy and ready in 30 minutes, and couple of dishes that i shared before, plus a couple of breakfast ideas! Enjoy!

If you make one of my recipes, take a picture and share on Instagram! Use hashtag #oceanviewkitchen

Have a nice weekend!

enjoy the little things:) olga

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Meal planner – Week 1


Meal Planner

Weekly Meal Planner


Welcome to My Meal Planning Corner! I am starting a new feature on my blog, where I would share easy, flavor-packed meals that you can throw together even on a busiest week nights! Continue reading